

Times be changin!

And women be shoppin!

Recently I've come to the conclusion that this site/blog really isn't living up to what it is supposed to be, and that's a source of great modeling articles from the smallest painting tip, to the most in depth 'masterclass' piece.

As a result, I have felt a bit overwhelmed with everything that I want to accomplish with it. And because of that, I've decided it's time to bring on a few more authors to help really push the envelope in terms of style and ability. In order to bring the community the info I feel it deserves and make the site a more 'one stop shop', we'll be branching out to more authors/modelers in an effort to expand our horizons!

Expect announcements and new articles to start popping up more often as this plan moves forward!


  1. I'm excited to see what will be coming down the line. You're stuff is always an inspiration.

