

Ask The Corps

After some thought and consideration, we've decided to run with an idea pitched a while back where we would take submissions from the community in the form of pictures and questions, then give our two cents on the subject matter by way of experience or more formal reading material we've found through our years on the web.

The idea is to have folks send in a photo of their mini along with questions concerning specific things they might be able to do better but aren't quite sure how to go about it.

We obviously aren't going to be able to get to EVERY question and photo we receive, but we'll try our hardest to put like photos and questions together.

This is also not going to be a weekly segment, but you could very well expect to see about 1 to 2 of these 'Ask The Corps' segments every month. This will give us time to add remarks and do appropriate referencing for more in depth reading. Some posts will have remarks from all of us here at the Corps and some will only have a few, and hopefully any missing remarks will be fleshed out in the comments section by the member of the Corps that wasn't able to get their thoughts in before the post goes up.

This endeavor is completely community driven though! So we're going to need your help! If you've got a burning question about a model you've worked on, send it in with some photos of the model in question! More specific questions are welcome, but if you just have a general 'How would I paint this better?' that's fine too, we'll focus in on a specific major area of improvement.

So where do you send all of these wonderful questions and photos? Why to!


  1. Thanks to Mitchell from AMM for the original suggestion.

    So grab that "blah" model you put on your shelf months ago, snap a pic and send it in!

    If not, I've got a few "blah" ones on my shelf right now...

  2. Great! I just have finished my first unit of gaunts and I'm not completely satisfied with how they turned out. So I do have a few questions!

    I just need some spare time to make a descent picture and compile all the information into a nicely readable email. I hope I get this done during the weekend.

