

Adepticon 2010 Rogue Demon Best of Show

Announced this afternoon, Mathieu Fontaine's Alice model was selected as Best of Show at the 2010 Adepticon Rogue Demon Painting Contest.

More pics coming soon!


  1. Montreal which last I checked was still part of Canada takes first at an American painting competition eh?

    Tres Bien!

  2. Since it's the only Adepticon, I say it's a North American painting competition ^_-.

    Much congrats to Mathieu for his great piece. The boy has talent! Can't wait to see his stuff at Games Day this year. At the same time it puts much doubt into my own winning chances because these same guys will be around! Now, what to paint...

  3. Oh, the irony that the petite Alice took Best of Show in a convention famous for its no-holds-barred Gladiator Tournament was not lost upon the judges.

    The quality of all the entries was very high, and the single sci fi and squad competitions particularly difficult to choose a top five or six from all the excellent pieces.

  4. That titan is getting ready to STOMP poor Alice!

