

Field Report Special: Adepticon 2010!

Adepticon 2010 is just around the corner and yours truly will be there in person to witness the spectacle.  Starting Friday look for a few updates from the event as I search out the best eye candy in attendance.  I'll also be covering the Rogue Demon Painting Contest and hopefully should get some great pics of many of the entries.

I will be indulging in several Hobby Seminars, hopefully I'll come back with plenty of tips to share.  Here's my schedule: "Airbrushing for Figurines", "Weathering with Acrylics, Dry Pigment and Oil Paint", "Advanced Painting" and "Freehand Designs".

Anyone else going to Adepticon?  Better yet, anyone entering anything in the Rogue Demons?


  1. I am going to be there Saturday, and maybe for a brief window on Sunday. I'm also thinking about entering a model or two that I've done, but nothing that I've prepared specifically for the competition. For that reason, I'm a bit nervous and reluctant. I've never been to Adepticon before, but I'm looking forward to it.

  2. I don't have anything I've specifically prepared either. I was working on a squad, but I injured my back at the beginning of the year that has limited my painting time lately. But I'm going to find something to enter anyway.

    Nothing ventured, nothing gained!

