

Contest: 500 'Scavenger Hunt'

It's finally happened, The Painting Corps has hit 500+ followers!  It's been a fantastic journey to this point and the community response has been wonderful.  To thank everyone, we've decided to put on a little contest for our dedicated readers.  It's simple really, I've seeded a few select posts here on TPC and will give a clue to the posts they are contained in, you figure out the posts, send us an email naming each post title according to the clue list and we'll randomly select a winner from the pool of correct answers!

So the big question on everyone's mind "What's the Loot!?"  I dug through my backlog and found a suitably big prize for the contest, a Games Workshop High Elf Lord on Dragon!  The model is unpainted, on the sprue and in the box, though the shrink wrap has long been gone, the model is in perfect condition.

Rules are simple:  Find the posts seeded with the '500' image at the top of this post and send an email to with the list of post titles in order of the clues provided (1, 2, 3 etc.) along with your name and address (for ease of shipping!).

I'll collect the emails as received and they will be assigned a number as I get each one.

At noon (EST) Friday of this week (June 18th, 2010) I will go to and pick the winner who will be announced Saturday morning! 

The Clues:
1. If only the Union knew they were this easy to tackle.
2. Ronald never thought it would be used for that!
3. Hop in the Water's fine!
4. Chunky, Chalky and Fuzzy.
5. Where's the heck is the motor pool!?

One last 'Thank You!' to everyone who's been along for the ride.  If you're an old hat here or a fresh face, we hope you continue to enjoy the things we put out and the sense of community we've been working to build.  Now, get out there and hunt!