

On The Table: Lukas the Trickster

I picked up a quick project from my friend UCPesmerga recently to paint up Lukas the Trickster for his brother who is looking to start up a Space Wolves force.  I love the odd project from time to time, and I love the Space Wolves, so it wasn't a long conversation!

I have been taking some video of the model's progress as I paint him, but it's a new camera that was graciously sent my way by LBursley and I've yet to get the hang of it just yet, so video quality might be lacking at the moment.  I've not reviewed it just yet, but I'm not going to lie and say it's the greatest thing I've done either!  At the very least I will have a good list of colors and when they should happen that I will share with you all on how I go about this one. 

The next step for Lukas is blacking out of the metallic work as I prepare to move into detailing everything individually.  Basing will be simple with just a little snow and drybrushed gravel, all so the future owner can easily reproduce it!  Everything should be just about codex for him in terms of coloring etc.  No groundbreaking here, just having a little fun painting a fun model!  Stay tuned.

Have a video or article you would like to see us cover?  Leave a comment!  You never know what our next project might be!