

Video: Painting Death Guard

Les comes back this week with another great video with yet more cool ideas for painting your models quickly and efficiently.  Those of you looking to do Death Guard would be well served checking this video out, though be forewarned that much of the paint work is done via an airbrush.

The big kicker for this video is the gloss varnish/alcohol clean up trick.  I really really really like that idea for tabletop model completion speed.  I've seen similar done with scale model tanks and oil washes before but never a 25mm infantry type model. I really feel like this could work on a variety of models with some practice. 

If you're not wise to the ways of the airbrush just yet, you really should consider picking one up if you've got a little extra hobby funding.  The time saved on something as simple as base color alone is worth a cheap rig.  If you're uncertain what you should be looking for in an airbrush, be sure to check out our series of airbrushing articles

The techniques used in this video could be used on a variety of different models, especially other Chaos Marines Legions, it just comes down to picking out a color recipe!  Any ideas for other models you might make good use of some of the things picked up from watching the video?