

On The Table: Shipping Container

As many of you might have noticed, things have slowed down to a trickle here on TPC. I've recently started classes at Maryland Institute College of Art and it's near completely wiped my free time from existence. I'm constantly trying to keep afloat in what seems an unending torrent of work. As a way to keep myself sane though, I've been working on a small project over the last week in the shape of the shipping container you see above!

The entire thing was actually quite a simple construct. I built it using a Velveeta cheese box as the main structure, covering it using some corrugated shipping cardboard that came with something we had bought earlier this year and used the sheath from the Velveeta box as the main card detailing. To finish it off I used a little bit of plasticard and plastic tubing to give the door some more realistic details. For a better idea on what was used, see the photo below pre-primer coat.

I'm already looking to do another of these in the near future and have the colors for this one picked out in my head already. I'm thinking a saturated VMC Medium Blue with white lettering details and rust streaks. It's going to be really cool to see this and hopefully other containers on the table, adding some much needed blocked line of sight as well as a cool objective piece to fight over!

I hope everyone is doing well and please share any recent projects you've been working on! Post a comment, add a link, use your time wisely! I'm beginning to understand how I can best get work and hobby time to sort itself out. Expect at least a weekly update! If not, feel free to prod and poke for some hobby stuff!