

Terrain: Shipping Container

Hello from the overburdened world of art school!  I thought I would take some time to get the finished results of the shipping container up for everyone to check out.  It really didn't take this long, I just haven't found time to put the finished piece up!

I ended up going with a much more simplified finish for the container.  The blue was airbrushed  on using VMC Medium Blue and highlighted with the airbrush as well using VMC Sky Blue.  When the airbrushed color was dry, I began roughing the paint up with chips and scratches.  The rust was dabbed on using GW Scorched Brown that was then touched up with a little GW Blazing Orange to add some texture to the larger chips.  To save some time I used a roughed up paper towel as my dabbing brush here, just be sure to check the pattern on a piece of paper or something before putting it to the model!  To get the light paint chips, I did the same but using pure VMC Sky Blue.

The text was done by hand using GW Skull White.  I finished the piece off with a little Matt Varnish to add some durability to the paint.

I'm really quite happy with the final piece and look forward to a day when I can get back to making a few more of them.  This one piece makes me excited to see how a bunch would look all stacked together in various colors, blocking a bunch of line of sight for my Assault Marines to jump over and wreak havoc in the enemy line!