Derina writes:
Im having trouble doing the hazard markings any chance for a how to please?
I've never worked much with hazard stripes/markings myself, so I'm opening this one to the floor!
How do you go about them?
And if you have a question, email us at ThePaintingCorps@gmail.com!
Paint a band using the the lighter color (eg yellow) and then add the stripes of the darker one.
ReplyDeleteIt may be cheating, they might not be the size you want, and they are best used for flat surfaces, but there are several makers of decals of warning stripes that are very good. The armorcast ones are really good.
Whoops, forgot the link to fighting piranha grafics. These are alot smaller than the armorcast ones.
I do believe even GW has a few hazard stripes on one of their decal sets.
ReplyDeleteDecals are one way - get some decal solution to make them as invisible as possible (Microsol and Microset together work wonders).
ReplyDeleteI do mine freehand, yellow over black and then touch up with black. For larger ones I would use strips of masking tape to keep the lines straight and even.
make a jig with strip styrene or scale lumber. why worry about laying tape down perpendicular when you can make a jig to give you the same stripes every time. At least for bases and tanks.
ReplyDeleteIf it's on an individual model, block in your colors over the black and build them up with a few passes. it's much easier to "erase" mistakes with black during clean up.
A printable stencil would be a pretty nifty way to go about this as well. Just scale to the size you want, cut out the stencil and airbrush/spray onto your model. Touch up using the dark color, in this case black.
ReplyDeleteI generally freehand them, though you will have to expect some degree of error on your stripes. While making stencils or blocking with tape is more efficient for straight and consistent lines, I feel that this sort of detail is the perfect practice for freehanding. I know that I personally shy away from more complicated freehanding, and this can help build experience and confidence towards that end.
ReplyDeleteCoincidentally, I just finished a friend's ork with some caution stripes. built up yellows, striped with a watered down black, then went back and touched up with some more yellow to even the lines.
From bigger models to smaller I use:
Foundation paints are a savior to getting the yellow touched up.
I always start of with light brown as base, graveyard earth is OK.
ReplyDeleteThen I add Yellow in stripes roughly the width and angel I want as a end result.
And if it is possible I use tape, Scotch Magic works OK!, to mask of the yellow areas.
And here is the real trick, you now paint the areas that will be black with the yellow color, after this has dried you can paint in the black. Otherwise there is a risk that the black will creep under the tape and you get blury edges.
Oh, I forgot the finish up is to use some of the great tips TPC have on chiped paint and wethering to make it fell used, as oposed to brand spanking new.
ReplyDeleteBase white, use a technical pen to lay out the stripes and quality check the width uniformity and make corrections, then just paint in the lines. I never paint yellow over black and this will save a lot of time and keep the yellow bright. My 2 cents :)
ReplyDeleteheh, stripes.
ReplyDeleteI actually have been painting golden yellow with sunburst? yellow for my base layer to get varience, then I use a sharpie to draw my black stripes on, after that I do a quick layer of black paint over that.
I like to age things by painting a few chips and scratches/drybrush then wash it with my dirty brush water.
Mr.Awesome here....
ReplyDeleteThis is how I rock mine.
1. Black base coat.
2. Grey over black to locations where it will be yellow.
3. Touch it up with black so all are even.
4. Apply yellow.
5. Miss the fact that Necromunda had more yellow/black stripes then a hornet's nest.
derina here, thanks guys and for Iron Warriors troops?
ReplyDelete1. Pre paint the entire area white.
ReplyDelete2. Paint 3 or 4 coats of yellow (or until you get the brightness of color you want).
3. Lay down strips of styrene the size of the stripes I want in a diaganol direction.
4. Use fine tip mechanical pencil to mark stripes.
5. Fill in black stripes with fine tip sharpie pen.
6. Outline entire hazard symbol with same sharpie pen.
i usually use masking tape (1/2") and airbrush.
ReplyDeleteairbrush the lighter colour on first (yellow or red), seal it with a matt varnish and tape over.
airbrush the stripes and remove tape when dry.