A few months back I found myself looking to get a more true color out of my lighting situation at my hobby desk. I had heard a few times about OTT Lite's and wanted to see about getting one of my own. After a quick jaunt to the hobby shop I quickly realized that they were quite pricey and I wasn't quite sure that I was up for spending the extra money just to have a specialized lamp. A little more searching and I found a nice alternative that wouldn't break the bank on me, OTT Lite Bulbs.
There are a lot of different lamps that OTT Lite offers, but for those just looking for a quick fix to a minor problem, especially those of us who might have already bought a functional lamp set up, the loose bulbs are a great compromise. I came home after seeing them and made sure to write down the wattage of my lamp and the next trip up, I was able to find an appropriate bulb.
The first thing you notice is just how bright they really are, and how much different the light is compared to tungsten colored bulbs we've all been accustomed to over the years. They take a little time to completely warm up, but once going, they give a steady and true lighting to your hobby desk, even with just one, I'm hard pressed to find a need outside of miniature photography that I would need a second lamp.
If you're looking to completely replace your lighting set up, they have a few different options (
Such as this Ott-Lite TrueColor Table Lamp
Tip inspiration comes at odd times! Some days much later than others! I hope everyone enjoys their weekend! Happy Holidays and take some time out of your time off to get some painting done! I know I will!