A group in Austin is working on an Eldar army in the Yme-Loc paint scheme. Local Psyberwolfe did the great Autarch above and others have been working as well: Bushido Red Panda completed a Cobra and Crazed Red Pretorian is working on a squad of Banshees.
Now I'm thinking that I want to lay down the underside of the Serpent in the grey-blue. Or perhaps just the turret in the grey and the underside an even darker grey-blue. Or, looking at the rest of the pieces, maybe I should keep the underside white and use the grey-blue on the Wave Serpent energy projectors, just as a touch of color?
And if that's for one, what do you think about the second Wave Serpent? Inverted color-scheme of the first? Or identical scheme with other identifying marks?
Have at it! Let me know what you think for dealing with this unusual color scheme.